The 1st St Andrews nature scavenger hunt BINGO!

  • Bedford St Andrews Scouts Priory Country Park Nature Scavenger Hunt Bingo1/5
  • Bedford St Andrews Scouts Priory Country Park Nature Scavenger Hunt Bingo2/5
  • Bedford St Andrews Scouts Priory Country Park Nature Scavenger Hunt Bingo3/5
  • Bedford St Andrews Scouts Priory Country Park Nature Scavenger Hunt Bingo4/5
  • Bedford St Andrews Scouts Priory Country Park Nature Scavenger Hunt Bingo5/5

Last night saw the first game of nature scavenger hunt bingo performed at Bedford’s Priory Country Park.

After a reccy by Graham, the teams were given a sheet of items to find arranged on a grid. The first game was to complete a line, with a small prize, and the main game was to collect a “Full House”. Some items were easy, and others more challenging or creative to find, such as worms which required a bit of stone-flipping, or poo! To avoid too much ripping up of nature and pulling apart of insects, teams were asked to bring a camera phone to capture the evidence. Bringing a totally modern approach to nature hunting (there were still plenty of grubby hands, which is important)!

All in all, 19 Scouts turned up, and seemingly all had fun. Hats off to the winning Team, who were closely followed (by 10 seconds) by a breakaway team of two, who completed it in half the time of the winners! A special prize will wing it’s way to them both.


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